December 2024 - The Season is approaching its peak… | |
The season is only a few months in, but what a huge opening it has been from our new clubhouse. We have celebrated the 10th annual CALD Day, completed Bronze Camp, SRC Camp, Adult Bronze course, requalified 100 medallion holders, 200 Nippers are well into their season, launch of the Schools Program and not to forget 500 hours have already been logged on patrol. A big thanks to Club Captain Remy Horrobin who has played a significant role ensuring we operate smoothly out of our new clubhouse. This month I had an opportunity to have a chat with life members Tim and Liz Bolton. Liz was instrumental in growing our Nipper program for 13 years and Tim our Treasurer for 20 years. And it’s not too late to purchase tickets for the Trivia night, this Friday 20 December. Families encouraged with a family movie playing in the training room. 60 tickets already sold… https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/blsc-trivia-night-tickets-1095014510879?aff=oddtdtcreator With many people preparing for the holidays, have a safe, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks to our fantastic Major Sponsors for their continued support, Firbank Grammar, Belle Property and Coles. Upcoming Events - Fri 20 Dec Trivia Night
- Sat 21 Dec Surf Rescue Certificate
- Sun 22 Dec Advance Resus Techniques and First Aid
- Sun 8 Jan Silver Medallion PC
- Sat 25 Jan Great Bayside Swim
I encourage all members to connect via our Facebook and Instagram accounts - links: <<https://www.facebook.com/groups/178907445524927>> <<https://instagram.com/brightonlsc?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==>> | |
CALD Day The 10th annual CALD Day was held on 7th December, with 115 participants and 45 Brighton LSC volunteers coming together to make it a special day. From Tug o War, volleyball to water activities, the day had it all. And a huge thank you to Tomasa Ruiz and Gula Bezan, foundation organisers, our own Lesley Fleming for being such a strong advocate, Tim Stewart for organising much behind the scenes, Nikki Claire Moore and Lucinda Hanlon for their brilliant water safety presentation and the over 45 members who volunteered to make it a safe and special day. Thank you to Mark Dreyfus KC MP, Zoe Daniel MP, former State Coroner Ian Gray for their support and being apart of the day. And a special thank you to all our members, a wonderful day showing the brilliant club we have and our strong sense of community. | | | | | | | | | |
Nippers A fantastic start to the Nipper season with over 200 Nippers enrolled coupled with great weather, has made for an enjoyable first half of the season. With so many new families and a new facility, there was always going to be a little bit of chaos early on, but with 20 Age Managers recruited and 30 Coaches and water safety, things have settled. A huge thanks to Shane Fitzgerald and Colin Ellicott who hold our program together, Age Managers and Coaches for turning up each week to make sure our Nippers have fun, Andrew Heeney and Cam Telford who have take on first aid at different times and a very special thank you to John Kelly who has taken on the role of ensuring the BBQ operates each night and supported by long time Nipper BBQers John Fisher, June Webber, Rob Pratt and Ian Boaler your efforts behind the scenes make for some very happy nippers. Nippers will have a break for the holiday season and I look forward to seeing all our Nippers back on the 31st January. A note on the rash vests, if you haven't gotten one for your Nipper(s) yet, please do, all Nippers must wear these rash vests on the beach. Details on purchasing is presented below. https://intandemshop.com.au/cgi-bin/Xebra?logon&userid=Brighton&password=Demo Assistance and Support Like everything at our club, Nippers is 100% run by volunteers and we need you to help make it a success. Without your support and assistance, we cannot run an effective program. It is expected that all Nippers families assist with something. Please ask how you may help us give your Nippers the best experience possible. If you wish to assist but are unsure as to what the roles entail or would like to discuss, please reach out to any of us. For those who wish to actively participate as an Age Manager, please check out the following: https://lsv.com.au/clubs-members/nippers/age-managers/ | | | | | | | | | |
Training A huge month for training with 28 young members attending and completing the Bronze and SRC Camp, 9 adults completing their adult Bronze and over 100 existing medallion holders requalifying their awards. This has taken a lot of planning, brilliantly lead by Chief Instructor Kez Melvin and a team of trainers and assessors Jack Melvin, Laura Goudie, Remy Horrobin, Mae James, Sami Tambanis, Sophie Platt, Kosta Kopsafts, James Pascoe, Dylan Unkles, Abigail Escott, Sam Vernon, Sophia Gribble, Fergus Stewart, Louis Gribble, Oli Mount, Molly Ireland, Rupert Lyons and Annabel Gibson. Thank you to our trainers and assessors and CONGRATULATIONS to our newest award holders who will be patrolling on Saturday, 21 December in the Bronze Camp Patrol. Upcoming courses: - Sat 21 Dec Surf Rescue Certificate
- Sun 22 Dec Advance Resus Techniques and First Aid
- Sun 8 Jan Silver Medallion PC
For any questions contact Kez at Kezmelvin2@gmail.com See below graduates from Bronze/SRC camp 24/25 | | | | | | | | | |
Schools Program The Royal Life Saving Australia 2024 Report on Drownings identifies the 5-14 age group as most at risk, having increased in number of drownings by 30% over the 10 year average in the past year. With this in mind Brighton LSC has rolled out our Schools Program. The program is led by Russell Polson, a former school principal who has been brilliant at navigating the various school requirements and Sami Tambanis, our lead Trainer and coach on the day. The Program aims to promote the safety and enjoyment of water based activities for young people of school age, complementing any existing programs run by the school. In December we have had Richmond Primary School and St James Catholic Primary School participate with 80 young participants. Thanks to Russell and Sami for leading the program and our water safety team for making it fun day. Below is a picture from some of the St James participant listening to their coaches | | | | | | | | | |
Congratulations To Laura Goudie, who is one of only 24 lefesavers selected to attend the Surf Lifesaving National Leadership College. Laura is a patrol captain, mentor and part of the IRB Competition team. We look forward to hearing from Laura on her return about the college and what she has learnt. Awesome Laura. | | | | | | | | | |
How long have you been a member? We have been members for almost 24 years, and now both honoured to be Life Members.
What brought you to the club? We started after a friend suggested we go and have a look at Nippers one Friday night. There were only about 5 Nippers and one leader. Two weeks later we jumped in with our children, Jamie and Emma and helped out… our friends quickly joined in, we all completed Bronze and Age Managers courses… and the rest is history. Favourite thing about the club? We love being part of a community. By running Nippers for over 13 years, we have made great friends and established a wonderful community of amazing people. We love that everyone has a common vision of serving and helping others. How has the club changed since you joined? Nippers have grown from about 5 to over 400, the club has money and a strong membership and sponsorship base. We were able to start proceedings for a new clubhouse. Little did we know at the time it would take and the tenacity required to see this project through.
Best memory of the club? So many wonderful memories – can’t just select one – Tim’s flamingo rescue (see below), hilarious Pirate Pete Balls in the old Club, a club guard of honour to farewell Peter Stevens, serving under the late Tony Hogg as our Patrol Captain, having our children Jamie and Emma Bolton complete their Bronze Medallions and join us on patrol, The completion of the new clubhouse … and so many more. | | | | | | | | | |
LSVj LSVj is for anyone looking to have impact and make a difference. If you’re involved in sport, patrolling, training and development, LSVj is for you!! LSVj provides the platform for you to have this voice, create programs youth members want to be part of and create a sustainable future for lifesaving and in return provide you with unique development opportunities. Anyone wanting to participate please contact Mae at maejames02@gmail.com For more details see link below: | | | | | | | | | |
A huge thank you to our wonderful Major Sponsors | | | | | | | | | |